sabato 21 giugno 2008

daisies and dust bunnies

Term is just about over and I feel like things should be winding down. However, I still have about a million things vying for priority and my head is feeling very cluttered. Unfortunately my mind projects this mental messiness onto various aspects of my life. I would generally ignore this, but my room had begun to resemble what I think the inside of my head should look like. So today I decided to clean my room. As usual I put this off, but when I got round to it I found it oddly therapeutic. I put my iPod on shuffle and dredged up the songs which I find shameful but secretly love. Right now, Revolution 9 by The Beatles is playing and a scarier piece of music was never written. Granted, cleaning took place in short burst of enthusiasm and little by little the floor reappeared.

But when I wasn't sorting my room, I was being arty with Sunni. This is what I call 'faux artsy' because it really is just Sunni and I wandering around the backstreets of Kew with cameras. anyone could do it. But I feel artistic with a big camera, so I indulge in my 'faux-ness'. Sunni managed to make her photos look like art. Mine looked like photos. But there were plenty of daisies, which pleased me to no end.

white daisies.

yellow daisies.

tree daisies.

sky daisies.

and as if daisies weren't cliché enough... black sticks against white sky.

I think Sunni would be please if I informed you here that the reason I have a blog is because she made me do it.

I know I should be organising my books but there are just so many and it's a lot easier to sit here and whine about it instead. They're surprisingly dusty, which is very off-putting. So I shall 'off-put' my organisation until tomorrow.

6 commenti:

sunni ha detto...

yay! you made a blog :) i'm proud of you. welcome to internet procrastination. well....another form of internet procrastination. i think i'm going to go update mine now. we will have to go arty farting again sometime.

Revilo ha detto...

She got you too huh?

She's evil. She manages to suck away all the spare time everyone else has, in an attempt to make them stressed and unhappy.

You're a fan of Russian Caravan are you? I was looking at it yesterday when buying tea, contemplating getting that as well...decided not to =P

I think your blog is in Italian. Just a tad. >.>

Anonimo ha detto...

The 1st picture of the yellow daisies is really nice.

matryoshka ha detto...

Sunni: yes we will, but perhaps a little more planning should go into our next arty farty adventure.

Oliver: i couldn't very well have a russian blog because a) i don't speak russian and b) you don't either. french has been done. i wanted to be different. i thought italian was best. and don't knock Russian Caravan, i'm enjoying a cup as we speak.

b-shizzle: thanks.

Yarshk ha detto...

Blogs are fun. You have pretty photographs, i need to use mine more.

.michky ha detto...

Be this Maddy~? :]
This be Mich.