lunedì 28 luglio 2008

's wonderful

... 's marvelous

Photograph courtesy of Olive Cotton

Things are starting to look up. I feel like I'm reaching that point in the year when everything comes into focus. IAs are finishing up, orals are done and dusted, CAS and TOK are coming to a close and syllabuses are winding up. I hope that's it and not a teasing glimpse of happiness. That wouldn't be fair. But let's not dwell on unhappy (or in some cases, happy) schoolities.

Yesterday was a particularly nice day. I had free and cancelled periods all day (except for art, but I worked on RWB at home). However, it also felt productive. I did some biology, some history, some reading. I went for a rather disastrous walk to the library and came home barefoot and blistered, but it was still a gorgeous day and that has to count for something.

When I got home I came across some nice poems and a particularly amusing limerick. However, I've already been told off once for saying it. And I wouldn't want to offend anyone's 'sensibilities'. It is rather crude, but in a good mood it makes you smile.

But the highlight of my day was playing with my seven year old brother on our old, fluro orange Nintendo 64. I was rather happy with the outcomes considering how long it's been since I've played Super Smash Brothers (the original). And also because we both play dirty.

In the end it was Me 1, Thomas 4.

6 commenti:

Yarshk ha detto...

what do you mean by "playing dirty" on the N64? Like what...throwing the controller at each other? Disconnecting their controller in mid fight?

p.s. i hate that things are winding up for you, mine have only just begun.

matryoshka ha detto...

when i refer to 'playing dirty' i'm talking about both of us choosing kirby and then proceeding to turn into rocks on top of each other. however, i wouldn't put it past my brother to throw his controller at me.

don't worry, it never really ends. we're keep in a continual state of hopefulness. in any case, i'll be here for moral support. but mostly to gloat.

Revilo ha detto...

Playing dirty is pausing it, tickling your opponent into submission, then unpausing it and knocking them off the side of the map.



If people "Down 'B'" on you, just move to the side, pick them up and throw them. Duh.

Well, you managed to beat your seven year old brother once. What a resounding victory. You should stick that on your resume.

Walk barefoot some more, you'll find that your feet get far stronger...I'm fine on rough surfaces now, then only thing that gives me trouble are black surfaces on really hot days. (Excellent for building up calluses, but bad if you want to walk for the next few days. I found myself basically incapacitated at the end of last year for about three days, after a particularly nasty run in with some hot bitumen)

I am glad for you that things are 'winding up' for you, or at least that you feel that they are. It implies that you're getting on with your life, and feeling like you're making progress. Savour it whilst it lasts.

Yarshk ha detto...

I love Kirby. It's one of the best characters EVER invented. Judgement made on the sole fact that it eats everything and everyone.

N64 controllers are great for flails. But the new Wii controller is even better for garrotting. ERGO: be wary of competitive players.

matryoshka ha detto...

Important news! I beat Thomas again. now it's 2 : 4.

pft. i've been walking up and down gravel drive ways since i was five.

kirby is my hero. the only character i can actually beat anyone with. i'll take you on sometime, kirby to kirby.

.michky ha detto...

I remember Super Nintendo.
THAT was a rather awesome Nintendo I must say, played a lot of Street Fighter II on that when I was about 4.
Yay for IB stuff ending~!