domenica 13 luglio 2008

tell me what you see

'In expanding the field of knowledge we but increase the horizon of ignorance’ - Henry Miller

Is this true?

11 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

OH NO you went there!

matryoshka ha detto...

it's buggin me. and i was rewriting it today.

Revilo ha detto...


The more we learn, the more we become aware of how much we do not know.

Without numbers, why would we need to know how to differentiate?

Etcetera, etcetera.

Anonimo ha detto...

eh. fine. since he's answering. i covered this question with wen.
it all depends on the nature of knowledge. we did this big fancy comparison of knowledge and the universe. maybe knowledge already exists (i.e. we discover it not create it) and it exists in a discrete form. then, no, it doesn't increase. but if not maybe its expanding? - point is, we dont know.

matryoshka ha detto...

we are constantly ignorant. but through knowledge we become aware of that ignorance.

Revilo ha detto...

The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

matryoshka ha detto...

how socratic.

Anonimo ha detto...

how contradictory. and yes, i ditto that maddy- with expanding knowledge we are either creating new knowledge and ignorance or simply becoming more aware of our ignorance. thats what wens final conclusion was.

.michky ha detto...

Oh God, I can feel the pain. &I'm not responding to this, we spent a night on msn discussin this =P

Revilo ha detto...

It is pretty socratic.

In fact, that's exactly socratic.

There's only one thing that's more Socratic..."An unexamined life is not worth living."

matryoshka ha detto...

time for a new blog.