domenica 10 agosto 2008


Life seems simpler through the lens of a camera.

"Photography is an instantaneous operation, both sensory and intellectual -- an expression of the world in visual terms, and also a perpetual quest and interrogation. It is at one and the same time the recognition of a fact in a fraction of a second and the rigorous arrangement of the forms visually perceived which give to that fact expression and significance."

- Henri Cartier-Bresson, The Decisive Moment


... and as I sat, with nothing on my mind, a little bird appeared before me and whispered: aren't you glad I'm your blank space?

3 commenti:

Yarshk ha detto...

I wish my birds told me such beautiful things. All they ever tell me is that they aren't actaully talking to me.

Anonimo ha detto...


sunni ha detto...


decisive moment.