domenica 5 ottobre 2008

don't stop me now

Right now I feel a bit like this; tired, frustrated and I need a hit of something soothing 'cos coffee just won't cut it. Fortunately my drug of choice is the internet. I chose blogging.

Today, I decided, I don't like painting. I've always had an inkling, but this afternoon I put my theory to the test and was not disappointed. There are just so many layers and colours and shades and lines and non-lines. It was a frustrating experience.

However, all this unpleasant painting provided the perfect opportunity to sit in the sun and listen to music and think (when not overwhelmed by frustration). And one thought, which has occurred to me before, was that I wish my day to day life had a soundtrack. I think that people around me, and maybe even myself, would be able to pick up on how I feel a lot easier.

So, I compiled a soundtrack for today.

This morning while walking in the sun through Camberwell: Dreams - The Cranberries

Sitting for hours while making stencils: One Week - Barenaked Ladies

The "occasional" (and I use the term loosely) msn conversation and sudoku: Kids - MGMT

Completion of said stencils: She's So High - Tal Bachman

The decisions to give up msn for the week: Sex on Fire - Kings of Leon

Stencils not working: Cornflake Girl - Tori Amos

Painting. Painting. Painting: Ode To My Family - The Cranberries

Blog: Say that you Love Me - Fleetwood Mac

And now my back hurts. So I'm going to lie down and listen to Queen.

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