venerdì 19 dicembre 2008



Over halfway done, only four to go.

I am tired. Life is catching up to me at the moment. I'm sleeping on and off after getting home at around half six. After a late night, I decided to recover with cake, a film and a friend. As my life becomes more and more aimless, it is always nice to relax and see friends.

Moments where you tip your head to the side. Smile a little, and think 'what?': Today, I was welcomed home with a note which read:

'wather my bean eveey day. love Thomas.'
My youngest brother often surprises me. He can be a bit violent and single-minded on games, but also very thoughful and caring. I don't quite know what to think when it comes to the boy.
This blog seems a bit lacklustre, but I don't mind because my day was not. And there is a cat twisting around my legs for love.

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