mercoledì 17 dicembre 2008

six appeal


It's getting uncomfortably close to the date of my departure. Six days in which I have to tie up loose ends, pack and socialise. Can she do it?

Ever since I returned from my 'schoolies' vaction, I've had three obligations:

1) Clean the storeroom. The storeroom is like an attic. It's small and stuffy and filled with crap I haven't seen in years and doubt I'll use in the years to come. I've promised my mother I'll be ruthless; throwing out anything that seems at all useless. However, as I rummage through odds and ends, I find things that trigger an odd memory, or which stimulate terrible nostalgia.

2) Research the scarlet pimpernel. My mission is to find images and drawings of the pimpernel. This is a small, british weed. Not the most beautiful flower. And, is thus rather difficult to find anatomical drawings of. So, the search has involved trips to various libraries over the past few weeks; sifting through bookshelfs and tomes for anything.

3) Have a social life. I think it is my right as a high school graduate to socialise. Whether it be a short chat on msn, dinner one night, or an organised gathering to try to watch films. However, given my previously mentioned responsibilities, it can be difficult to find the balance between friends and my obligations.

Today, I managed to address each issue. What started out as a film day - a collection of friends coming together in the vain hope that we would actually watch a selections of films (we watched one. Manhattan Murder Mystery. My choice and attempt to instill an admiration for Woody Allen in my friends). But, 8:30 this morning, father drags me out of bed to guilt trip me into action - I find disappointment worse than rage. In anycase, I felt quite awful afterwards and spent the next two hours cleaning the storeroom. I also managed to squeeze in a phone call to the Royal Botanical Gardens Library concerning the pimpernel. So, overall the morning was rather productive. The afternoon was more enjoyable. I had lovely long chats about people and life in general.

So much has happened in my lifetime so far.I also came across an old box of photos in my rummagings. It makes me curious about life before I can remember - a time I will never know. However, everyone smiles in photos. I wonder if they are really happy.

1 commento:

Yarshk ha detto...

People only smile in photographs out of politeness.

The most valuable photograph is one taken in spontaneity